Joomla 1.5 RC2 (Beta/Release Candidate 2) is available for download from Joomla!
The new version of Joomla 1.5, called RC2 has been available for download since Saturday the first of September.
Here is the information posted on the site. Please note that if you are using RC1 you should upgrade due to security risks.
Joomla! 1.5 RC2 [codename: Endeleo] is now available for download. What better way to celebrate our 2nd Birthday! We chose Endeleo as the codename for this release candidate as it is Swahili for 'development, growth, progress ... improvement'. Highly appropriate we feel.
It is roughly five weeks after the RC1 release and we have made major improvements in certain areas of the 1.5 codebase. Time to share another RC with the community. Some improvements and areas of changes are listed below:
* Router refactoring solving a range of bugs
* Media Manager refactoring, moving this to MVC standards
* Updated scripts (version); mootools, tinyMCE, Xstandard
* Core template improvements
* Template language installer support
* ... and of course a lot more
Note: due to the Router refactoring there will be known issues with SEF url's.
Important, you need to upgrade! In the current RC1 we found three security issues, one SQL injection, one XSS, and a few full path disclosure vulnerabilities. Those security issues are solved in the new release.
Where we go from here: as you might have read on a recent blog, we will have at least one more Release Candidate (RC3) and hope to move to a Stable release from there on.
For the 1.5 RC2 Release only full packages are available for download. As usual, the packages are provided in three compression formats (zip, tar, bzip2). The download link for this release:
Upgrade instructions
Upgrading from any version of Joomla! 1.5 to 1.5.RC2 simply involves overwriting your current sites files, with the files in the proper Patch Package that applies to your site. Note; during Beta and
RC development, some files could be removed from the Core Code. Using the above method for upgrading might leave some deprecated files in place. This could be solved by performing a fresh
install once the Stable release is available and exporting/importing your database. Between Beta and the RC2 some small database changes have been made. Check the /installation/sql/mysql folder for the diff.sql file. Run that with any database tool such as phpMyAdmin to get your database updated.
This can be done by either uncompressing the Patch Package and then using an FTP client to transfer these files to your server and overwriting existing file. If you find errors after the process,
ensure that all files were properly transferred. There have been verified reports of some FTP clients not properly transferring files across to a server - without notifying the user of such a problem. One
possible cause is that under certain circumstances the webserver locks the files it is using, and the ftp-server can't update those files. One possibility is to take the site shortly offline during the FTP
If your Web Provider gives you access to your site via some sort of Web Admin panel like CPanel or Plesk, you can use the syetems file manager to upload the Patch Package file to your server and
then extracting the package file and overwriting all the files on your server.
More information can be found on the Forums and if at any stage you are unsure, then search the forums for posts on the subject. Most will be found in the Upgrading forum .
Conversion / Migration
With the new 1.5 version it is not that easy anymore to convert for example a Mambo site to Joomla!, especially to 1.5. You will need to perform a migration which is described here:,com_jd-wp/Itemid,105/p,401/
Backing up
Before undertaking an Upgrade or Conversion, it is extremely important that you backup your site's Database and if possible, also you site's files. While we try to ensure that an Upgrade or Conversion process is relatively straightforward, we cannot garuantee that this will always be the case for every user. So it is imperative that users take protective measures in case they face problems after the Upgrade or Conversion.
We hope you enjoy Endeleo and as always, we look forward to your feedback.
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