If you are making money online, it is very likely that at least one of your web pages or websites is using Google Adsense.
Google Adsense is a great program however the way it finds keywords to determine ad presentation can be helped along by use of special codes, so that unrelated words are ignored and advertisements are better targeted to the reader.
Just add the following code to your web pages:
If you are using static HTML pages just insert the two halves of the code between the body tags.
If you are using dynamic PHP pages like in a template, edit your index.php, home.php, page.php etc. and add the comments around where your main page content would go. One good strategy is to exclude the 'sidebar' code from the ad section target. Often unrelated content such as menus and advertising are placed in sidebars (side columns).
If you haven't yet signed up for Google Adsense,
if you are interested in advertising online,
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