Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Consider the tecnological level of your target audience when designing a business web site

Choose an appropriate resolution according to your target audience

What would happen if you designed your website for a 800x600 resolution?

It would be easy for anyone to read but what if your audience is computer game and graphic designers?

Do you think that 800x600 would be the appropiate resolution?

What if you were writing for school children in India. Do you think that they'd have the same level of technology?

Most people seem to use 1024x768 or 1280x1024 but there are also many people using smaller sizes, so it makes sense to use 'sidebars' which are left or right hand columns next to your main content. Yes, some people never change their monitor's resolution after they buy it so you could have a 19" monitor set at 800x600.

Consider the target audience's internet connection type and speed.

Technology is cheaper and faster in Western Europe, Japan, and the United States so you can expect that most people in those regions have faster connections than people in eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

While Mexico City has easy access to technology, the prices are much higher for computers, internet service providers, ISPs, and Webhosting. In fact, we recently switch from a Mexican web hosting company to Blue Host in the U.S. It was about half the price for much better service.

People in the U.S. will have a faster internet connection than in Mexico for the same price or cheaper so it is difficult for economically challenged families in Mexico city to have the same access.

If you are going to have sound and video on a website for a country or region with more limited access then consider compressing the sound and video files so that it will still be playable on a slower connection.

Even in the United States you can find people without access to high speed connections. Many rural areas don't have anything faster than typical dial-up. Remote locations might even have to call long distance to connect.

So if you have a site about farming and ranching, a video heavy site might not be appropiate.

This is slowly changing due to new wide area wireless networks, but they probably won't become common in most rural areas for another 10 years. They are still not common in large cities. In reality, Wide area wireless networking ISPs are still considered experimental.

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